But its all just veneer, a disguise if you will, to conceal the surf riding, mountain climbing dirtbag that I really am. I come from a family with long tradition of making full use of "local pleasures"; its surf, its mountains, its lakes and its streams. Some call the type "outdoorsmen", I call myself a soulrocksurfer.
The California Dirtblog is a colection of musings, trip reports, reviews and opinions related to my adventures and explorations across this great land.
Ever been driving down the highway and notice a lonely, crumbling road heading off out of sight over the horizion and you say to your self, "I wonder where that goes?". Well, I'm one of theose guys whose just gotta know whats down that road.

Carlo is my teenage son and he's dope. He and I will travel the extra mil for the obscure obscura. We've spent years sleeping on the ground eating TopRaman, tuna and chocolate on busted up picnic tables, refining and defining our dirtbag style. Carlo is the best boy and I love him with all my heart.

Ocassionally, we are accomanied by one or more of the Sespegorillaz. The Gorillaz are a small climbing club we started, and we run wild all over the Los Padres, the Sierra, the high Desert and any where the surf is pumping.
The name Sespegorillaz is a play on the idea that there are no apes in North America. We are Central Californian Rock Gorillaz, locally known as Sespegorillaz. Yeah, Iknow its corny but that is how we roll.
And then there is my climbing partner, Dave Stillman aka C.R.A.S.H., aka Mr. Crash Fistfight, aka Sir Sespe Longstride. Check out his blog http://davidstillman.blogspot.com/

Like me, Stillman is married with children and he's a nurse too, in fact we work together performing emergency heart surgeries. But dont be fooled, Stillman is a crazy mofo, how do you think he got his crazy nic-names?

Welcome to the California Dirtblog.